Katie Hamilton of mamanurtured.com is a certified doula, lactation consultant, and a La Leche League leader. She also was the doula for my daughter’s birth in December 2013. A local to the South Bay, Katie is an incredible resource to pregnant women and new moms. Hope you enjoy reading our Q and A below! Continue reading

Katie, my doula, holding my hand right after Pippa was born
Katie, my doula, holding my hand right after Pippa was born

A doula is a term for a woman who helps another woman in childbirth. It comes from the ancient Greek and it literally means “a woman who serves.” Before our hospital-centric model, women birthed children at home with the help of midwives and doulas. Continue reading

Pregnancy for me was a time of waiting and preparation. I was excited but also intimidated at the idea of a drug-free childbirth. I prayed a lot about the experience and tried my hardest to only harbor positive thoughts and feelings towards the impending birth. Reading these books gave me valuable insight into childbirth and the confidence I needed to give birth without technological interventions. Continue reading